Endomedix has 2 active patent families, comprising of 7 granted patents and 2 published applications. The patent family originating from WO2007/124198 pertains to a biopolymer system designed for tissue sealing and the 2nd patent family originating from WO2020/106703 encompasses methods and compositions for achieving hemostasis and blood clot formation. Both patent families provide comprehensive coverage Endomedix’s chemistry technology platform.
No | Title / Subject Matter | Geography / Country | Patent/Publication Number | Application Number | Filing Date (MM/DD/YY) | Issue Date (MM/DD/YY) | Patent Type | Application Status |
1 | Biopolymer system for tissue sealing | US | US7854923 B2 | US11/530362 | 09/08/2006 | 12/21/2010 | Utility | Granted |
2 | Biopolymer system for tissue sealing | US | US9259434 B2 | US13/942982 | 07/16/2013 | 02/16/2016 | Utility | Granted |
3 | Biopolymer system for tissue sealing | US | US8513217 B2 | US12/882624 | 09/15/2010 | 08/20/2013 | Utility | Granted |
4 | Biopolymer system for tissue sealing | US | US9731044 B2 | US15/003367 | 01/21/2016 | 08/15/2017 | Utility | Granted |
5 | Biopolymer system for tissue sealing | EU | EP2013237 B1 (Validated in FR and DE) | EP07757188.3 | 02/19/2007 | 12/30/2015 | Utility | Granted |
6 | Methods and compositions for achieving hemostasis and stable blood clot formation | US | US10517988 B1 | US16/194917 | 11/19/2018 | 12/31/2019 | Utility | Granted |
7 | Methods and compositions for achieving hemostasis and stable blood clot formation | US | US11033654 B2 | US16/697717 | 11/27/2019 | 06/15/2021 | Utility | Granted |
8 | Methods And Compositions For Achieving Hemostasis And Stable Blood Clot Formation | US | US2022/0017646 | US17/295090 | 11/19/2019 | Utility | Pending | |
9 | Methods and compositions for achieving hemostasis and stable blood clot formation | EU | EP3883615A1 | EP19887104.8 | 11/19/2019 | Utility | Pending |